The Next Generation: Wolf Trap Interns

The Next Generation: Wolf Trap Interns
Jun 17, 2016

Every night, audiences see well-known artists on Wolf Trap’s stages. What they don’t see are the talented professionals behind the scenes. Many of these professionals are former Wolf Trap interns.

Wolf Trap has nurtured future leaders for decades through its nationally recognized Internship Program. Across the country, hundreds of former Wolf Trap interns ensure that the arts are not only inspiring but accessible, that they spark important cultural conversations, and that they make their way into schools to improve education.


Elizabeth Morales, who works for the Kennedy Center’s Changing Education Through the Arts program,  recalls the role her Wolf Trap internship played in preparing her: “I gained a nuanced  understanding of how profoundly the arts can impact people’s lives and education. What I found  personally valuable was the chance to understand what a positive work environment looks like and  what it means to be empowered as a professional. I now have a reference for not only the mission, but the organizational  culture  I  want  to  pursue throughout  my career.”

2015 summer interns visit Capitol Hill

Many Wolf Trap interns have gone on to make a difference not just in the arts but in business, public service, and other fields. Gaelen LeMelle-Brown now works at Google to  help small businesses. He credits the high level of responsibility and trust afforded interns with helping him stand out in job interviews. “I interacted directly with partners, developed ways to position Wolf Trap’s education programs to attract community groups, managed projects across multiple departments, and contributed to the mission in highly tangible ways.”

LeMelle-Brown continues: “I walked away with equal parts inspiration and know-how. This was invaluable when I broke into the professional world. And I know many of my fellow interns — who remain great friends —feel the same.”

To learn more about the Wolf Trap Internship Program, click here.


