Wolf Trap Teaching Artists Salute the Teachers Who Inspired Them

Wolf Trap Teaching Artists Salute the Teachers Who Inspired Them
Jun 11, 2024

Wolf Trap asked its teaching artists to reflect upon educators who made a difference in their lives, inspired their love of the arts, and helped shape the direction of their careers. Here’s what they shared:

Wolf Trap Teaching Artist Ambo Tazanu shares how her high school drama teacher encouraged her to pursue theater, and consider a professional career in the performing arts.

Teachers build connections for students that last beyond the classroom. Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist Joe Pipik’s drama teacher, Father Mario Dicicco, opened up a whole new world for his students when he introduced them to Cleveland’s theater scene.

Sometimes inspiration can be found in unusual places. How did a middle school history teacher influence Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist Sue Trainor’s work in the classroom? Find out:

Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist Quynn Johnson’s dance teachers laid the foundation for her career as a teaching artist by introducing her to the art form and culture of dance. Today, she inspires others through her work as a co-founder of her own dance company, SOLE Defined.

How have your teachers inspired you? To learn more about Wolf Trap’s education initiatives, visit https://www.wolftrap.org/education.
